Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Most Amazing Discovery - Papercuts, sketches, and travel

The blog world is an amazing place for discovering spectacular creations of artists. Thanks to Becky at
I learned of yet another fantastic blog and project. Please take time to visit 
to see the Isabella's beautiful art and learn about a fascinating project. Isabella is participating in the Artists Journal project, a collection of almost 30,000 artists from more than 90 countries. When complete the collection will become a traveling exhibit throughout the U.S. with its final home being the Brooklyn Art Library. Isabella's journal would be worthy of an exhibition on its own, but thinking about an exhibition of so many talented artists, their thoughts and sketches in a traveling exhibit throughout the U.S. is mind boggling. I am so looking forward to visiting the exhibit!  Be sure to check out both of the above mentioned blogs for an amazing view into the lives of two wonderful artists.

Just a small example of the amazing entries in Isabella's journal.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog and for the feature of course. I can't thank you enough I really appreciate it!
