Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Valentine Fun

For those of you who still have children at home or are fortunate to have grandchildren One Charming Party has some wonderful ideas for Valentine fun. I'll have to pass on the Valentine Pickup game. I've yet to master the art of chopsticks. Thanks to One Charming Party for sharing wonderful ideas all the time.

Please check out http://onecharmingparty.com/ . It's one great blog!

Monday, January 17, 2011

It's All About Helping

13.1.11: Picture taken of Rocklea markets from Chopper. TheQldPremier@TwitPic
I received an email from Etsy today about a wonderful Etsy team working together to help those affected by the horrible flooding in Australia. This is a photo from Brisbane. The team is offering different items for sale with all or a percentage of the proceeds going to Premier's Flood Relief Appeal. On this day of remembrance let's help those in need.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Still Surfing

As I continue to spend the day surfing, internet not ocean, I have come across a giveaway with a simple entry. http://www.childreninspiredesign.com/blog is starting a Friday giveaway. This week in particular I believe that their prize is important. The question to answer is "Which of the manners we learned as children could change the world?" Please take the time to go to the site, answer the question, enter the contest and mention that you learned about the blog from me. Even if none of us should win a bit of thought on this topic can benefit everyone. Thanks guys and Good Luck!!!!

You Just Have to See These!

When you can't leave your house and you really want to enjoy what others do - it's time for an Internet Surf!

                       http://kingofmicestudios.blogspot.com/ Isn't this beautiful?????
Get Your Daily Snips....Snippet Girl talks Art and Animals

                                Don't miss this one either http://www.snippetgirl.blogspot.com/ 
                                  So cute you'll just have to smile!

A Little Recognition for Those Who Are Helping

I totally forgot to give links to the downloads.  Thanks to http://www.yesterdayontuesday.com/  and
http://www.thegivingmadam.blogspot.com/ . Be sure to check out both of these sources for great fun and inspiration.

Distractions from the Snow

Not an ice skating rink
except for this week

Yeah, yeah it's pretty!

Major Road

I am not a lover of snow. I make that statement happily and with no guilt. I moved south to avoid the possibility. Little did I know that Atlanta was not far enough. I am now considering a move to the Galapagos Islands. It's always warm there! I have not stepped foot outside since Sunday morning, January 9, 2011. Cabin fever has long since left my mind and I am now but a prisoner in my own home. 

My day was brightened by a wonderful post on the blog Yesterday on Tuesday. Loads of fun, free, downloadable Valentine printables. I can't wait to get started!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sometimes A Mom Just Has to Brag

I had intended to share a photo of the magnificent art my daughter created as part of my Christmas gift but this afternoon I learned that an item from the Etsy shop she opened on January 1, 2011 has been included in an Etsy Treasury. http://www.etsy.com/tr4d237242757a6d91b6d657ee/leafyeasury/ 
She has a lot more to add to her shop. She teaches high school math and only has a little time on weekends to really work on her shop.  Check out her shop: http://www.epkart.etsy.com/  Her photography is fascinating. She and I can take a picture of what I think is the same thing but she sees it from an angle that I never see. Be sure to look at the photo titled Amicolola Truck - every time I look at it the music from the movie Deliverance starts playing in my head! 
A mathematician's brain and an artist's brain combined in one brain is an amazing thing to watch develop over the years of a child's life.

This is what I received Christmas morning

This is what I received on New Year's Day

Handcut layers of matboard between three layers of glass. The bird appears in one of her photos.
You can notice some of the dimension in the second picture.
 I am a seriously proud and happy mom!